Welcome to Acorn2Oak PreSchool

Preschool for 2-5 Year Olds

Situated in the Castle Hill area of Ipswich Acorn2Oak preschool has a modern purpose built premises, providing quality Early Years education for children aged 2-5 years. The preschool is managed by Tanya Harris who leads a team of highly qualified practitioners, ensuring a high standard of care with high staff to child ratios.

Notice Of Changes to Our Opening Times and Afternoon Offer

From September 2025 we will be offering new opening times from 08.00hrs to 17.30hrs, Monday to Friday, Term Time Only. We will be providing a cooked light meal at approximately 16.30 – 17.00hrs at a cost of £3.00 per child. Our light meal will include a main and dessert (Fresh fruit and yoghurt available daily).

Please contact the preschool or download an Application Form from this website, which includes our new September 2025 opening hours from this website if you are interested in your child attending our popular and established preschool.

Giving your child a positive start in their personal development and learning journey.

“30 hours free childcare available for working parents!”

Our Latest News

Please see below our latest news articles. be sure to check back soon to keep up-to-date.

Our Preschool Pets

We encourage the children to help care for our pets, chickens called Rosie & Albie, a turtle called Sheridan and fish in an aquarium.

School Uniforms

Acorn2Oak Preschool T-shirts and Sweatshirts available to purchase at the preschool. Please speak to a member of staff for more details and prices.

Children's Activities

Some of our children, playing together in the mud kitchen. Working together as a team, taking turns and building friendships during play. Getting messy is always lots of fun and a great way to learn new skills.

Supervised Tooth Brushing Programme

Our preschool participates in the NHS Dental Health Care, Supervised Toothbrushing Programme. Our staff have received training to ensure we and the children undertake this safely - the children are fully supervised by staff when they are brushing…

Outdoor Play Area

We are always improving and introducing exciting new play resources, in our lovely safe, enclosed garden. Where children can access all areas, to learn and have fun during their play.